How to change light settings?

Sukurta Themo Support, Pakeista Sat, 24 Rugpjūtis, 2024 - 9:46 PO PIETŲ pateikė Themo Support

You can customize the light settings of Themo wall thermostats using the Themo mobile application. Here's how:

  1. Open the Themo mobile application.
  2. Choose the device for which you want to modify the light settings.
  3. In the Device View, tap the Settings icon located at the top right corner.
  4. Select the Lights option by toggle switch.

Please note that if you choose to turn off the lights, they will remain off even in Manual Mode. Lights will temproraly come on for 2 seconds when MODE button is pressed.

Using the slider below the screen, it is possible to dim the lights to be less bright when the Themo device is in Smart Schedule mode.

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